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Wellbeing Programs


Health Bucks


Health First


Personalized Plan

Personalized Plan

If your labs indicate you may have metabolic syndrome, contact Jennifer to create a personalized plan that will help you improve your lab values and reduce your risk for serious health conditions.

Each plan will be based on the goals and abilities of the individual - we won't tell you what you have to do, it will be a dialogue between you and the Advocate to determine a realistic plan to help you reduce your risk for serious conditions. If you complete your plan, you will be eligible for $400 in Health Bucks. You will not need to be re-tested and you will not incur any costs to participate.

As soon as you have your lab values, make an appointment to get started on a plan. Your plan could take up to 6 weeks to complete. You MUST make an appointment by August 31st in order to develop and complete a plan in order to earn Health Bucks for 2021.


(These are fictional names and situations to illustrate what a personalized plan might look like. Your plan will vary based on your goals and abilities)

Ron - Sleep

Ron learns that he has 3 risk factors outside of a healthy range. He contacts Jennifer and together they determine that sleep is a big issue for Ron, lack of sleep prevents him from getting enough exercise or making other healthy choices, and is something he wants to work on. Due to his personal health history, it is determined that Ron would be a good candidate for a sleep study. So, for his plan, Ron needs to set up a sleep study. Once the results come back, he learns he has sleep apnea and requires a CPAP machine. An additional requirement of the plan would be for Ron to acquire and use his CPAP as prescribed by his doctor. After 2 weeks of using the CPAP, Ron and Jennifer talk on the phone and discuss the results and experience, and because Ron was compliant with the plan and his doctor's orders, he is eligible to earn $400 in Health Bucks this year.

Suzie - Blood Pressure

Suzie has high blood pressure. Her doctor has talked to her about it, and after learning she has metabolic syndrome, Suzie has decided that this is something she wants to tackle. In her discussion with Jennifer, they discuss what she has already tried to reduce her blood pressure and some things that she enjoys. Jennifer works with Ibrahim, our Pharmacist Advocate, to identify activities that Suzie would enjoy that would also help lower her blood pressure. Together with Suzie, they make a plan for her to implent some of these activities and track her blood pressure using the cuff at her worksite for a month to see if the activities are successful for reducing her blood pressure.

Meet Your Nurse Advocate

Jennifer Ruiz, RN

Nurse Advocate

Prior to joining YourChoice Health Plan, Jennifer worked in a primary care office for Tampa General Hospital as the office RN for six providers. She has worked in healthcare for 10 years with experience in Orthopedics, Trauma, Medical/Surgical, and Vascular Surgery, and is currently pursing her graduate degree in Healthcare Systems Engineering at the University of Central Florida.

Jennifer Ruiz